Friday, July 5, 2013

CP University

Hey everyone! Polo Field has made a blog post regarding the new Club Penguin University!

"Hey Penguins,
Guess what? School is here to stay!
Sharpen your pencils! Pack up your books! Fold up those paper airplanes...Club Penguin's new university opens next week!

Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team"  - Polo Field

What do you guys think of the sneak peek? I can't wait for the new room, and I have a feeling it's going to be quite popular...unlike the Puffle Hotel. But there IS one thing that bothers me. Where is the recycling plant? Will it stay? I really hope it does or new penguins won't have a chance to earn the Go Green stamp. Of course if the plant was deleted so will the stamp, but still, I'm going to miss it. :( The snow trail in the middle is most likely leading to the Dojo.

Well that's all folks! Be here tonight around 9 PM PST for a new blog post! This one is going to be about the MU Trophy! ;) OK is sure to win, sorry PNK, JOX, and ROR fans.

Keep rocking!

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